We have multiple locations offering Freestyle TaeKwonDo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Our own Martial Arts style of Self Defence Systems is returning soon.
Covering the eastern region of Southampton, our schools are located at Hamble, Bishop’s Waltham, Locks Heath & Sarisbury Green.
(click below for our new class timetable starting in October).
Our Freestyle TaeKwonDo (TKD) syllabus is heavily based of the Chang Hon Style of TaeKwonDo. However, we remain independent from TKD specific governing bodies. These classes are available for ages 3 and above. They include Forms (patterns), Sparring, Self Defence and Board Breaking. We also have 2 specific programmes for pre-school and primary school ages. For older children, teenagers and adults, our core curriculum allows a robust learning system.
Our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) team is affiliated with Paraestra UK. A reasonably new affiliation to the United Kingdom. BJJ also adopts the open minded approach with training as we do in TKD. We have Junior, Teen & Adult, All Age Family classes, plus a Ladies Only class each week.
We also have out programme called Self Defence Systems (SDS). Created in 2015, it combines the TKD, BJJ and Cobra Kickboxing trained by Mr Marshall into a single style of training. There is a weekly class at Hamble Sports Complex.
A Brief History of Phoenix SMA
Phoenix SMA was founded in 2012 offering just Freestyle TaeKwonDo classes at Hamble. By 2015, this had expanded into more venues including Locks Heath. By 2017, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes were introduced and quickly became very popular. Now in 2024, Phoenix SMA has 300 members that train Freestyle TaeKwonDo & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Phoenix SMA’s open mind approach in both teaching and training Martial Arts. This allows us to network with everyone. We has made many friends over the years. Below are links to Clubs and Organisations that we are directly associated or affiliated with: